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Littlestown PA DHT, Nov 11-13, 2021

"This is the DHT seminar endorsed by Curry Blake, taught by DHT Trainer Garth D. Wiebe."

Location: Gates of Praise Worship Center
226 Kingsdale Rd, Littlestown, PA 17340

We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

Also available via YouTube Playlist or Vimeo Showcase

01 of 18

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This is Session 01 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Intro., two people in pain prayed over, (page 7) only two things/questions you need to know about healing

6:14 Introduce myself, Pittsburgh leaders/DHTs in attendance

8:58 Jesus never taught healing, reasons for DHT seminar

12:18 Great commission

13:00 "No medical advice" policy, discussion about medical vs. divine healing

15:27 (page 18) "two reasons for failure," definition of sacred cow doctrine, only hindrance to healing is that you believe there are hindrances to healing

20:30 (page 19) What the Bible says about divine healing (list/summary)

26:02 (page 20) Basic principles of JGLM

37:25 (page 21, Section 1) Introduction to John G. Lake

45:11 (page 27, 29, Section 2) Introduction to Curry Blake

53:00 Introduction to me and my history (coming from tragedy)

02 of 18

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This is Session 02 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Intro

1:37 Phil 2:5 Who Jesus was, God, but acted like a man filled with the Holy Spirit, model for us to follow, Gal 2:20 Christ lives in us, discussion of the New Man that makes the DHT work for us. "Who" heals the sick.

16:25 (page 33, Section 3) Final Authority, discussion of disparity between groups that adhere to the Word of God and discount the Holy Spirit, and groups that adhere to the Holy Spirit and discount the Word of God.

22:58 Experiences subordinate to Word of God, and new revelation must agree with old revelation. Example of Mormonism, elevating experiences ("burning in the bosom") new revelation that takes precedence, supersedes, and contradicts previous revelation.

28:34 Scripture rightly divided, examples of out of context quotes (Psalm 14:1 "There is no God"), collapsing contexts ("Judas went and hanged himself" in Matt 27:5, and Jesus said, "Go and do likewise" in Luke 10:37)

32:38 Exhortation to read entire Bible, no new revelation taught in DHT

34:45 (page 39, Section 4) Why did Jesus heal?

39:00 "Compassion" goes back to the "Golden Rule"

41:20 (page 45, Section 5) Healing Like Jesus, what it says about signs.

03 of 18

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This is Session 03 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Question: "Can you explain the difference between healing and deliverance." Discussion of σως, σωζω, blurred distinction between healing and deliverance, starts one way and develops into the other, partly one and partly the other. "Evict the problem." Example of woman where pain evicted in one place but moved, changed to something else, my son vomits in other room... Don't play doctor. Two criteria: It works and doesn't hurt.

8:05 (page 45, Section 5, cont.) "Sign" not reward, discussion of my experience and journey, initially chasing healings, eventually integrated back in to the whole man and gospel. All the people Jesus healed died. Story of John chapter 6. Most do not repent (i.e. change their minds)

21:45 (page 48) Jesus hometown sacred cow explanation.

25:11 (page 50) A/B/C. Why/who/how did Jesus heal? D. How much information did he require to heal someone?

29:41 How to administer healing, get as close to person as possible, discussion of traditional church "prayer lists," only one case that Jesus healed at a distance (John 4:46), explanation that he had already been in Capernaum and denounced it (known from parallel gospel accounts), so it was a special circumstance, personal testimony of healing woman with migraines from old church I didn't want to deal with, then at her house being asked to heal five year-old's deathly milk/nut allergy.

04 of 18

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This is Session 04 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 (page 55, Section 6) Job's affliction / sacred cow

2:00 What covenant was Job under? Timeline/lineage explanation

3:42 Comparison of no vs. Old vs. New Covenant promises

7:49 Biblical account, Job righteous but in fear, God commended Job, God's reply to Satan was restrictive, not permissive, devil already "god of this world," criminal, man already handed over dominion to Satan, translation "behold in your hand" (no verb), James 1:13 "God cannot be tempted by evil," discussion of relatively short time Job was afflicted (days, perhaps a week or two)

21:51 (page 57) Paul's thorn in the flesh: not literal thorn, discussion of "thorns" of the Old Testament

26:27 2 Cor 12:7 read from original text: "messenger Satan" (or "messenger of Satan"), Paul begs God about it. Paul boasting in his "weaknesses" (past event, in this case), as compared to self-promoted apostles

32:06 Explanation of ασθενεια ("without strength/vigor"), physical or spiritual, if physical then weakness or infirmity, must examine context, scripture examples given.

39:40 Discussion about asking God to heal the sick, three different mistakes made in doing so, point that all sickness is criminal, example of police officer seeing a crime being committed and calling up the mayor to ask the mayor to stop the criminal, caricature of "Great Jehovah on Mt. Olympus" pagan god illustration.

05 of 18

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This is Session 05 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Paul's "large letters" in Gal 6:11, Gal 4:13-15 referring to Paul having been weak (ασθενεια)

2:52 Proof texts by people people looking for an exception to justify every sickness and that these people say "God doesn't always heal," but really mean that "God almost never heals," and that these people see zero results in healing.

5:03 Gal 4:13 ασθενεια maps to Acts 13-14 in Paul's first missionary journey to Galatia, where he was stoned to death or nearly to death, Bible maps shown from the back of someone's Bible.

12:27 Gal 6:11 academic dishonesty, "letter" from Latin "litera" not Greek, in English means an alphabetic character or document written to somebody, but Greek γραμμα means the effect of anything written or inscribed, no word for "alphabetic character" in the Greek. πηλικοις "how great" is also in Heb 7:14 referring to Melchizedek being a great man, not μεγας ("mega-") large.

21:58 Comment about the need for critical thinking skills, reasoning behind "large letters" is circular reasoning, begging the question.

24:31 (page 62) Paul Left People Sick, ασθενεια again.

27:07 Comment about my wearing glasses, question about that, testimony about healing many children in a school who had common vision problems, even though I was wearing glasses, which nobody seemed to care about.

35:29 You get what you believe, faith is in your expectation

36:17 Timothy's stomach (ασθενεια again), discussion about distance issues back then, no telephone, internet, even postal mail service, Paul can't stand over everyone in question.

06 of 18

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This is Session 06 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 (page 65, Section 7) Divine Healing by Faith, Matt 8:5-13 Roman centurion's faith, Matt 15:22-28 Canaanite woman's faith, both "great faith," comment that centurion's servant was most likely a Jew. Canaanite woman determined, won't quit.

11:57 (page 69) Woman with the issue of blood, had faith for herself before Jesus knew anything about it, also comment about how she was not supposed to be near crowds, supposed to announce "Unclean! Unclean!" and then Jairus the synagogue ruler is there with Jesus, and then Jesus keeps asking, "Who touched me?" Great risk.

16:58 Person praying can have faith, sacred cow of needing faith to receive, but dead people, Lazarus, young man in casket in funeral procession in Nain, had no faith to receive, because they were dead.

20:06 Third party can have faith, such as the account of the man let down through the roof, Jesus saw "their" faith, the men who let the guy down from the roof.

21:07 JGLM principle of having faith for the recipient, no questions asked, but we should also then disciple him, teach him that he (if he is a believer) has the same Jesus and Holy Spirit as we do, discussion that I don't have anything that my DHT audience doesn't have, except knowledge and dispelling misconceptions. The days of the stage shows are coming to an end. Divine health better than divine healing, becoming a liberator is better than just being a free (healthy) person.

28:33 (page 71, Section 8) James 5:13-20 we assume is written to new believers, who may need to go to elders. Implication that elder must be able to heal the sick, implied qualification for elder. Mark 16:18 believers aren't the sick and sick aren't the believers (at least not faith for healing).

33:26 ..."little faith" almost a mistranslation, not μικρο ("micro") but ολιγο ("olig o") which means few in quantity or sparse in quality, so Jesus is really saying "sparse faith." In an ideal world, there should be no Christian sick. Discussion of believing in this thing vs. that. You don't need to believe in divine healing to get to heaven; in fact, if you don't you will probably get there faster.

39:10 Act 3 lame beggar at the gate. Sacred cow that Jesus went through that particular gate repeatedly before, or that the man is there 24/7/365. Various sacred cows destroyed by this. Was asking for money, not healing, Peter said "Look upon us...what I have I give to you..."

46:40 Point about keeping people from looking at me, testimony about kickstarting and activating a team of Kenyans in Kenya in the morning and then they emptied out a hospital in the afternoon, successful discipleship greater than personal results.

49:20 Audience question: "Is there a significance that they used 'Jesus of Nazareth'"? Explanation about the need to distinguish one "Jesus" from another, a very common name back then, scriptures actually often say "the Jesus," "Christ" is not his surname, means "anointed" (χριστος), tangental discussion about skin colors and depictions by European renaissance painters, white Pakistani girl, Jesus was a "Nazarene" not "Nazarite."

07 of 18

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This is Session 07 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Intro to second day, livestream announcement, reason for DHT being three days, deprogramming and reprogramming, talk about cult indoctrination, Jesus as cult leader and Bible as cult manual, devotion to the Word of God, be like Jesus, Gal 2:20, discussion of police officer operating in the authority of the state, not himself, Matt 10 and Luke 17 again, "Who is he telling to heal the sick?" We do what Jesus commanded us to do. Luke 10:17, "Who are the demons submitted to?" Luke 10:19, "Who did he give authority to?"

17:43 (page 83, Section 9) Divine Healing and the Will of God, Healing is always God's Will, John 10:10 two categories, testimony example of homeless man being told his infant son's death was God's will, Catholic priest said because "God needed him more in heaven," discussion of 1 John 3:8, Acts 10:38, 3 John 1:2, Matt 6:9-10, James 1:22, Matt 22:35-40, Matt 7:12, discussion of parable of the Good Samaritan, historical explanation of "Samaritans/Samaria," Golden Rule

36:08 (page 85) What is "Divine" Healing, what it is not, not doctors, not exercise/diet/nutrition, not immortality, not perpetual immunity, what doctors do vs what we do, personal testimony about family diet/eating habits, testimony about guy who was a smoker, kicked addiction out of him four times, then team member one day invoking "doggy poopy curse"

08 of 18

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This is Session 08 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Question: "When you have multiple people in need of healing can you pray for them all at one time or is it individual?" Need to personalize as much as possible.

2:36 Question: "It seems bro. Curry mentioned the tactic of warfare exemplified by the king of Moab in 2 Kings 3:26-27 when he slew his oldest son and it prevented Israel. Does this principle apply in countries where witchcraft is practiced? Also, when someone attacks a principality, bro. Curry said to endeavor to make sure it is settled. Explain." First, would need the context of whatever Curry said, second, you are making this way too complicated. Devil is defeated foe who lies, gets you to proclaim declaration/faith for sickness, empower him, Prov. 18:20 "death and life are in the power of the tongue," Jesus had two words to say to demons: "Shut up," and "Go," didn't hunt down demons.

7:05 Testimony of how we remained out on the streets when the pandemic started, only ones out there for a while, "We are not afraid of corona virus; corona virus is afraid of us," devil better get out of our way when we arrive.

10:16 Question: "When I prayed, nothing happened. But I believed." No you didn't. Issue of expectations.

12:16 (page 85) What about the Sovereignty of God? Divine healing is in line with the sovereignty of God, policeman illustration, we do what God tells us to do and act in the capacity God expects us to act. Actually, it's the Calvinists who are playing God, T-U-L-I-P principle

20:28 Examples of "I will" (verb, θελω) in scriptures, such as Matt 8:23-3, we are the body of Christ to the world, we aren't claiming to be Jesus, but representation of him to the world.

26:00 Caricature of "great Jehovah on Mt. Olympus" applies to Calvinists, whose beliefs about God are actually pagan.

28:45 (page 89, Section 10) Total Healing For The Total Person: Healing in Redemption, Psalm 103:2-6, sin and sickness grouped together, Jesus redeems us from both physical and spiritual death/destruction, judgement for the oppressed (not against) in a legal sense, σωζω, restore to wholeness, Rom 5:17

36:40 Evangelical would not say "God might forgive you," or "Jesus paid for some sins, not others," question of consistency in attitude of sins vs. sicknesses.

38:12 Healing in the atonement, discussion of 1 Cor 11 Lord's Supper, wine/bread, blood/body, why some were getting sick and dying, popular misconceptions about the Lord's Supper.

09 of 18

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This is Session 09 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Healing in the atonement (continued), Matt 8:16-17 quoting Isa 53:4-5 (more correctly), 1 Peter 2:24, Jesus fulfilling in atonement, putting into practice during earthly ministry.

6:07 1 Peter 2:24, healed from afflictions not sins, forgiven of sins not afflictions, discussion of legal pardon, financial "forgiveness" of monetary debts

13:07 Example of police officer responding to call of woman who leaves car open, windows rolled down, with keys, smartphone, cash in full view, thief not entitled, has no legal right, police arrests thief, repeats same thing even if woman repeats the same thing the next day. It's always the devil's fault, no matter how much people open themselves up to it

17:19 (page 96) and also Question on 3x5 card, "Does God ever use sickness as a consequence for sinful choices and therefore won't heal you from it?" To say that God is using the sickness or disease to teach you something is to say that the sickness is the Holy Spirit or that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Infirmity, dangerously close to attributing the works of the devil to God. Lot's of things can cause sickness, but all sickness is illegal, criminal, and has the same divine remedy.

20:56 If God is using sickness to teach you something, then why are you taking pills, seeing a doctor to try to cure it? Sickness is only going to impede your work for the Kingdom of God.

23:35 (page 97, Section 12) It is Finished, if healing is in the atonement, it is always God's will, a fact to believed, not a matter of getting God to okay it

25:15 Question: "How do you know when to stop praying for someone when he doesn't receive." Brief discussion of English "pray" vs. προσευχη in Bible (more later), "pray without ceasing" means make declaration and do not quit or back off from it.

29:44 Question: "The word sovereignty or sovereign is not in the Bible"

31:20 Justification (δικεια) = righteousness, based on what Jesus did for sins Discussion of how they treated the lamb or other animal for sacrifice humanely, not whipped, beaten, etc., Old Covenant had promise of divine health (Deut. 28) New Covenant has promise of divine health based on the bodily suffering of Jesus, explanation of how New Covenant can't be broken because it was made with Jesus (more about that later)

39:42 Recognition of Life Team Leaders and CDHTs present, discussion of going through DHT training, take the next step, becoming certified, taking prayer requests from headquarters, starting study group, becoming leaders.

10 of 18

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This is Session 10 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Question: "Why can we legally say the Kingdom of heaven, or of God, is at hand? Is it because Jesus was born king?" Discussion of what everyone including the disciples envisioned Jesus was going to do as Messiah/King, but Kingdom of Heaven is "within you-plural" (εντος υμων).

5:14 Question: "How to handle situation where someone is somewhat prevented from praying for sick or operating in healing ministry with a scarf on or without husband agreement." In affairs of this world woman is "daughter of men" and under husband; in the realm of the spirit, she is a son of God over the devil, including if the devil tries to control husband. Christ is over husband, so must appeal to highest authority (example: woman must obey and do dishes, but must not steal money from neighbor's house at request of husband).

11:06 (page 99, Section 13) New Covenant vs. Old Covenant, definition of "nation" (e.g. "nation of Israel") in Bible as contrasted to "kingdom/empire" (βασιλεια), Old Covenant made with nation of Israel. Discussion of when Old Covenant started (not in Genesis), "Ten Commandments" did not exist yet Cain was accountable and guilty of murder. People know, including Gentiles. 613 commandments, not 10, to Law of Moses. Discussion of Hebrew Roots movement, etc., going back to Law of Moses, hypocrisy of Law of Moses adherents, Old Covenant still through Gospels until point of the cross, explains Matt 5:17, that Jesus and all others were still under the Law of Moses, Jesus expects leper to comply with Lev 14 requirements,

24:42 Heb 8 quoting Jer 31 of Old Covenant being replaced by New Covenant, Old Testament was about types and foreshadows of the New. New Covenant made with Jesus (of "house of Israel...Judah"), now Holy Spirit, no more "Know the Lord," New Covenant makes the Old Covenant "obsolete" (Heb 8:13), we are "partakers of the New Covenant" by being "in Christ."

32:12 Old Covenant type and foreshadow, examples of "over and over" things with no fulfillment, like the Sabbath, animal sacrifices, priests, etc., "Today" fulfillment of Sabbath, entering into "his rest," just as animal sacrifices fulfilled, and no more requirement for either.

45:36 Whole book of Galatians about error of going back to Law of Moses.

11 of 18

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This is Session 11 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Question: "Sabbath I thought the Law was to be observed forever for the Jewish people." Not for us, perhaps for a future time of Israel, per 144,000 in Book of Revelation, Rom 9 - 11 alludes to Israel future salvation. For us the Holy Spirit motivates us -- we have the Lawgiver indwelling inside us, laws made for transgressors and lawless people, more discussion about Galatians.

5:28 Act 15 council at Jerusalem settled the matter about obedience to Law of Moses, four things remained that Gentiles would be directed to observe (regarding idols, sexual immorality, blood, and strangled animals), discussion of Acts 10 Peter's sheet of unclean animals and house of Cornelius, James' judgment (Peter wasn't "pope")

11:18 (page 112) New Covenant vs. Old Covenant mindset, Luke 7:28 no greater prophet than John the Baptist but we are greater (bottom of page 111), Heb 1 line drawn between Old and New, prophets vs. son, warning about applying Old Covenant sayings, singing songs that invoke Old Covenant principles, read through Psalm 51 as example, David under Old Covenant

23:06 James 5 Elijah ομοιοπαθης ημιν(like-passioned to us), acting like a son of God in 1 Kings 17:1-4 and 1 Kings 18:41, "prayed" but that is English word, Greek word is προςευχη "vow-toward" something, in other words a declaration, in this case to Ahab in the name of Yahweh about how it would not rain except at Elijah's word. "Word of the Lord" to him had nothing to do with rain, but hiding in the brook and being fed by ravens, then later declaring the rain would appear, causing it to appear, then Elijah runs from Jezebel (Holy Spirit gone)

41:38 Example of "double portion" of Elisha from Elijah, eight miracles for Elijah vs. sixteen for Elisha, but I have seen many thousands. Example of people calling down Holy Spirit, saying "I'm hungry for you, desperate for you," must check songs to see if they match New Covenant reality.

12 of 18

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This is Session 12 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 (page 115) Carnal Babies, Spiritually Mature, Meat, and Milk, discussion of Corinthian church called carnal babies several times. Question: "Is there a 'gift' of healing? What's the difference?" Mark 16:18 doesn't talk about "gifted" people, but "believers." We operate in the fullness of the Spirit, Corinthians did not, focusing on manifestations of the Spirit, individuality, not "one body many parts" working together with unity through diverse functions. No δομα πνευματικος even mentioned in scripture, explanation of χαρισμα as effect or manifestation of the grace of God that is already a given, Luke 11:13 and Acts 2:38 say the "gift" given is the Holy Spirit.

14:00 behavior in some crazy pentecostal/charismatic churches, nothing's changed in 2000 years, 1 Cor 13, argues for motivation of love, 1 Cor 13:8-10 again argues, examining the original text, for maturity instead of operating in "portions" and 1 Cor 13:12, examined in the original text, speaks of our identity in Christ.

20:56 1 Cor 12, Rom 12, etc. cite examples in a context, not a prescription/formula to restrict and constrain believers

21:40 1 Cor 14 reference to Isa 28, which is again a reference to infants, explanation of where Ephraim of Israel was with drunken priests and prophets, where Israel would soon be overrun by the Assyrians, who spoke Aramaic.

29:32 (page 119) Evidence of an Old Covenant mindset, going to prophets, whereas we have JEsus, and etc.

31:25 "Employee of least value," example from Curry as fast food restaurant manager who fires employee who keeps asking him what to do. Luke 17:5 disciples asking Jesus, "Increase our faith." Jesus gives illustration of faith like a mustard seed, then parable of unprofitable servant in response.

47:36 Audience question: "Someone said Jesus never went out to anybody, that everyone came to him to ask him for healing." Not true. Elaboration on that, also audience response: "Jesus sent out seventy and told them to heal the sick, so that destroys the argument that everyone only came to him."

50:29 Mathematical example of having crusades twice a year, each time gaining 1000 converts who did not disciple, vs. discipling one person every six months who make disciples, what's the math? First case is 15 times 2 times 1000 = 30,000; second case is 2^(15 times 2) = 1,000,000,000.

13 of 18

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This is Session 13 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 (page 123, Section 14) The Truth About Generational Curses. Personal comments about how I thought generational curses stupid to begin with and didn't even appreciate how many people really believed in it. Gal 2:20 dispels right off in that Christ in us can't have a curse. Our lives go back one generation to Christ now.

4:50 Num 23:8, Ex 20:3-6, 34:6-10, Num 14:16-24, Deut 5:7-10 "third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but mercy to thousands of those who love me," only those who hate God, not meant to be mathematical, implications of perpetual curse taking it literally, ask person whether he hates or loves God.

9:27 (page 125) Ezek 18:1-24 rebuke of people invoking generational curses

14:59 (page 126) Man born blind in John 9:1, Jesus rebuffs disciples suggesting generational curse.

16:59 Gal 3:13 "he became a curse for us," so no curse

20:24 Phil 3:13 "forgetting what is behind," so don't go into past

22:15 Luke 9:62 "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God." Discussion of what happens if you are plowing a field with a plow pulled by an animal or a tractor, and look back.

26:27 Luke 10:19 "nothing shall by any means hurt you," discussion of how demons react to Jesus, and by implication Jesus in you, street testimony about going toward demonized people acting crazy and demonized woman quietly saying, "I'm scared of you."

33:57 Psalm 91

36:48 John 9 man born blind "for glory of God" sacred cow, quote from NIV 2011 and KJV, NIV and some others have translational dishonesty, KJV is closest, just remove the colon, discussion of English punctuation not being in the original manuscripts, note about conjunction αλλα ("contrariwise") forming subordinate clause, dependent upon independent clause that would have to be the clause following, not preceding it, or else it makes no semantic sense. Result is that Jesus was necessitated to act by the fact of the blind man being presented to him. Back-translated "this happened so that" or "he was born blind so that" into Greek as an exercise, so as to highlight that those words are not in the original text.

14 of 18

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This is Session 14 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Question: "Can you clarify why as a daughter I should be called a son?" Gal 3:28, elaboration on birth parents vs. adoptive parents

5:00 Question: "Can you clarify woman's position in terms of preaching, pastoring?" Elaboration on God not being "God vs. Godess," who created man, Adam, in his image, then woman, Eve, in image of Adam, women's roles, propriety issue, but woman obeys highest authority, if man does not step up to God-given role, then women cannot be blamed for doing it in his place, "Where's the man?" not right to shut down the woman, story of missionary woman evangelizing remote tribe...

12:30 Question: "Is homosexuality/transgender considered a stronghold, demon, or both?"

14:05 We are devil's master and man's servant. We are not lord over the man and his free will, but over the devil and his works

15:55 Question: "When someone has an addiction, should we declare that the substance taken for its effects be continuously removed every time the addict uses it..." Personal testimony of man on street I kicked addiction out of, body returned to normal, like a fool immediately went back to his car, smoked a crack pipe, either killed himself or nearly did...

20:18 (page 131, Section 15) The Truth About The Anointing, discussion of the word χριστος, "anointed," what "anointing" means, Jesus is "anointed" King of Israel, King of Kings. It's a commission, not a feeling. 1 John 2:20,27 is χρισμα, "anoint-effect" or "anoint-manifestation."

28:03 (page 141, Section 16) The Truth About Being Led By The Spirit, Rom 8:11-19, false idea that you shouldn't do anything until getting "a leading," reminder of parable of unprofitable servant in Luke 17, Curry firing the employee who kept asking what to do, audience member's son fired for asking for a raise. John G. Lake: "It is a law of the human mind that it is faster to act yourself into believing than to believe yourself into acting."

33:29 "I feel the anointing," personal testimony about playing the keyboard on stage at church, people thinking that "worship = music" and conjures up the Holy Spirit, musical expression and feelings are 100% human emotion (still good if devoted to God), can't manipulate Holy Spirit, you have the Holy Spirit.

36:39 (page 134-136) Story of Samson, proving he did not feel the "anointing" or the Holy Spirit when he assumed that he could overpower the Philistines after his hair was shaved off, just as he had before, but did not realize that the Lord had left him.

43:19 Testimony about being in a bad mood yet healing the sick anyway just the same.

15 of 18

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This is Session 15 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Point made by a Pittsburgh leader, and so occurred to me for the first time, that it's even greater testimony of faith and Holy Spirit power when you do it anyway when you don't feel like it.

1:55 Question: "Could you speak to the disagreement of men praying only for men and women for women?" Discussion of woman to woman and man to man just being more appropriate, but can't make a legalistic rule about it.

4:06 Question: "People say that they are predispositioned to have cancer, diabetes, etc. due to heredity, family history, even doing gene testing to show that they carry the gene for xxx, wouldn't this become self-fulfilling, since they are claiming it." In the natural, yes, discussion of the fall and flood and time effects on human genetics, but Jesus reverses this curse.

9:57 Question: "Heb 9:27 'and it is appointed for men once to die' and Psalm 91:16 'with long life I will satisfy him.' Does this mean that someone who dies young may have been appointed to die at that time or is it expected that all live a long life." What do you call "long life"? 90 years is only 10% of what they lived in the book of Genesis, would be like our saying, "Oh he lived to be 9 years old, a long life." Also, examine context of Heb 9:27. Remember John 10:10, so no one but the devil "appoints" someone to die at a certain time. Personal testimony of my own health situation.

17:15 (still in Section 16, page 145), people asking God, "What do you want me to do?" but God is asking, "What are you going to do?" Act 16:4-10 example of Paul and companions starting out without a special leading, then course changed by special leading, proving that they couldn't have had a special leading to start. You must start by taking the initiative.

25:04 (page 147) Rhema vs. Logos, explanation of two words that have overlapping meaning. No place in scripture that it says "Wait for Rhema word." Example of each word used in various places.

29:16 (page 152) Matt. 7:24-27 house built on rock vs. sand, Curry says, "If your knowledge of the Word of God exceeds your obedience to the Word of God, you're backslidden; I don't care how excited you are." Discussion of church scene where people hear and hear and hear, even Curry fans who can't get enough of Curry, but do not put into practice.

36:13 Rom 10:17 "faith cometh by hearing" (and hearing, and hearing, and hearing...) taken out of context. Context shows "how can they believe in what they have not heard" and "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. Further analysis showing there is no verb "cometh," (ελθεν is not in there) and that it is actually a subordinate clause about Israel. Re-translating, "[16] But not all obey the good news, for Isaiah is saying, 'Lord! Who believes what is heard?' [17] resulting in faith in what is heard, and yet what is heard through the declaration of Christ/God. [18] But I am saying, did not Israel know? First Moses is saying..."

42:52 (page 152-153) Always God's will for us to apply scripture. Jesus never used sickness, doubt comes in about God's willingness to heal.

45:47 (page 154) The Paraclete, John 14:12-23, Holy Spirit helps, Mark 16:15, discussion of who is doing the signs, who is following whom.

16 of 18

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This is Session 16 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 (page 167, Section 19) Objections to Divine Healing: "...but by prayer and fasting." Matt 17:14-21 account of boy with demon the disciples could not evict. Jesus rebuked them for faith, disciples asked, "Why could we not cast it out?" Jesus said, because of your unbelief. If "...but by prayer and fasting" is in there, it has to be referring to "this type of unbelief." Brief discussion of manuscript discrepancies, amazing integrity of the New Testament scriptures. Jesus didn't fast the demon out of the boy. What kind of "unbelief"? Ask people proof-texting fasting here whether they would have that kind of unbelief, encountering boy rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, dropping like dead, and they always say no, so they can't apply that verse to themselves.

17:09 Can't manipulate God or a devil by fasting. Explanation of what fasting does.

22:19 (page 169) Matt 9:14-15 proves Jesus couldn't have been asking his disciples to fast while he was there. When would the fast then? Jesus speaks in figures of speech when talking about earthly things: He was saying that when he is taken away they would fast. From what? From Jesus when he died for three days. For us, we have Jesus with us always.

27:20 Very few references to fasting. Jesus fasted forty days in wilderness, but he didn't go to "fast," but "to be tempted by the devil." There was no food in the wilderness, and that's why he didn't eat. If fasting proof-texters want to use this scripture, then to do like Jesus they must go into the wilderness for forty days to be tempted by the devil.

29:44 Other instances, "If you fast..." Cornelius the Gentile before becoming a believer, feeding 5000/4000 "should we dismiss these people fasting" is deprivation from food not for reasons of religious piety or ritual; there was no food. Apostle Paul "persecutions, beatings, fasts, etc." not religious fast. Only two cases of intentional fasting under terms of the New Covenant, which were by church at Antioch in Acts 13:2-3 and Acts 14:23, but even that may have been a practical matter of getting food out of the equation. Personal testimony of what amounted to pot-luck socials at team meetings where the main thing was the food, then next meeting I said, "No food at the meeting." Was that a "fast"? I didn't call it that, because of religious semantics. Disclaimer: I am not putting down fasting.

42:54 (page 170) The True Fast, Isaiah 58.

17 of 18

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This is Session 17 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 (page 172) Understanding Doubt. Explanation of inadequacy of English word "doubt," that it isn't a synonym for some lack of faith, which would make many scriptures that use both words redundant.

6:14 Three words in Greek translated "doubt": διστασις, "two-stand" (Matt 14:31, Matt 28:17), μετεοριζω "be in between two boundaries" (Luke 12:29), διακρινω (all other instances). διακρινω, "through-judge," means to scrutinize, examine, litigate, discern, discriminate, deliberate through. Can be good except when it comes to just believing the Word of God and His promises. You should not scrutinize or deliberate in that case.

16:20 Curry's point that the thought alone is not the doubt, example of seeing a sick person and having that thought, the question is what will you do, and whether you take that thought captive and make it obedient to the Word of God. Other examples and applications.

22:32 (page 175) Does God Teach By Sickness? If so, we are to teach all nations by using sickness and should not help the sick. The Holy Spirit is the teacher, not sickness.

26:47 (page 176) Heb 5:8, also Heb 12, fatherly discipline is for our good and not for affliction. Also discussion of tribulation θλιπσις (constriction, probably an onomatopoeia)

35:30 (page 176) "God Sends Sickness To Bring About His Will In People's Lives" and "God Uses Sickness To Punish People For Their Sins" or "...other people's sins." Discussion of forgiveness of sins paid for by Jesus. Age of grace, God not holding sin to account. Testimony of healing people on the street who hurt themselves getting into a fight.

18 of 18

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This is Session 18 of 18 of The Littlestown, PA DHT seminar on Nov. 11-13, 2021 We used the 2013 DHT Manual.

0:00 Question: "What about inner healing and generational curses for someone not yet born again." Then he needs to get born again, because he is not "inner healed" and he is under a curse. We need to heal his affliction, which we can do without being concerned with "inner healing" or "generational curses." See 2 Cor 5:17

2:45 Question: "Does repenting and renouncing break legal ties with a demon." You do not have any legal ties with a demon; the demon is a criminal, not legally recognized by any legitimate authority. You can't give the devil legal authority because Jesus has all authority (Matt 28:18). Brief mention of "courts of heaven" sacred cow teaching. The "court" happened 2000 years ago; the legal decision has already been made.

6:00 Question: "If someone decided to take medication after he was healed, would that affect the healing he received." Medication has nothing to do with the power of God. Four scenarios, 2x2 medication vs. no medication, faith in God's promises vs. lack of faith.

9:04 Question: "Who made God?" Nobody. General Christian apologetics is outside the scope of the DHT, but brief comparison made between what the evolutionists believe and what the Christian believes, both believe in an uncaused cause, but theirs makes no sense.

11:14 Question: "Will unforgiveness block one's healing?" Forgiveness and healing are two different things. Discussion of the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matt 18. Unforgiveness can indirectly get you sick, but does not prevent divine healing. Personal testimony of healing a woman who was harboring unforgiveness against me.

16:55 Continuation of personal testimony from above example, all of it came back on her, I was a new CDHT, I called into JGLM for advice to verify I was on the right track, "Garth, don't beat yourself up over this. You healed her. This is not magic. You can heal them; you have to disciple them." Note that no doctor says, "You lost your healing." Rant about people on the street who can't stay with us for five minutes, but can spend hours and hours with doctors who often can't help them.

22:21 Question: "...sinful choices and therefore won't heal you from it. Would it be a consequence, i.e. 1 John 5:16" This is the Roman Catholic venial vs. mortal sins proof text. Reading the text at face value as traditionally translated would lead to the conclusion that the "mortal sin" is unbelief. However, I explained that it is a passage difficult to translate, and that I came up with a different rendering, "If ever anyone may be perceiving his brother sinning a sin, not toward death shall he request, and he shall give life to him. To the ones sinning not toward death, sin is toward death. I am saying that he should not be asking about that. Every/all un-just-ness is sin, and is sin not toward death." In a nutshell, we should speak life to those who believe that their sin leads to death.

27:20 Explanation of αιτεω "request," used so many times in the New Testament, especially in connection with faith, which has the intrinsic assumption that the request will be granted.

31:28 (page 191) John G. Lake's Secrets of Divine Healing (15 points).

41:08 (page 197) Questions and Answers About Healing. Question 3: "Does a sick person have to have his own fiath to be healed?" No, but we should encourage faith in recipients (just don't depend on it). Question 8: "How come many ministers who preach healing have sick family members?" It's an individual issue, can't judge a person by whether all family members are on the same page. Question 11: "Didn't healing pass away with the Apostles?" Some quote 1 Cor 13 (καταργηω) but I already discussed 1 Cor 13:8-10, and no translation comes close to saying what they want it to say, neither does any other scripture in the Bible, besides the fact that healings have been happening throughout the ages since. Question 12: "How old do you have be be..." I showed and have videos of a three year-old healing the sick with no coaching. Question 15: "Only one man healed at Pool of Bethesda?" It doesn't say anyone else was there at the time, and it does not say Jesus didn't heal anyone else. Don't read into scriptures what is not there.

49:35 Discussion of healing service tonight, attendees who attended all three days will now heal the sick at the healing service. Others who have only ever attended one or two days must complete the three days.